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Calculate wind pressure. The simple formula for wind pressure P in imperial units (pounds per square foot) is
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, where V is the speed of the wind in miles per hour (mph).[4] To find the pressure in SI units (Newtons per square meter), instead use , and measure V in meters per second.[5]- This formula is based on the American Society of Civil Engineers code. The 0.00256 coefficient is the result of a calculation based on typical values for air density and gravitational acceleration.[6]
- Engineers use a more accurate formula to take into account factor such as the surrounding terrain and type of construction. You can look up one formula in ASCE code 7-05, or use the UBC formula below.
- If you're not sure what the wind speed is, look up the peak wind speed in your area using the Electronic Industries Association (EIA) standard. For example, most of the U.S. is in Zone A with 86.6 mph wind, but coastal areas might lie in Zone B (100 mph) or Zone C (111.8 mph).