Delphi Object Inspector
Following on from this question I recently posted: Can a Component Editor be executed on multiple components?
I have created a ComponentEditor for a new component that when executed shows a TOpenDialog to select a configuration File. When a File is loaded I read the data and copy the values to the calling component (which is Component
as this is a TComponentEditor).
There are no problems at all, except that the Object Inspector is not updating to reflect the newly changed values - It only updates when clicking back on the component in the Designer.
Delphi object inspector free download. DVB Inspector DVB Inspector is a program to analyze captured DVB-streams. It is not a real time tool that can inte.
Delphi Object Inspector
It might not seem like such a big a deal, but I need the Object Inspector to update itself somehow so that I can see the properties have changed successfully (without having to switch focus back to the control).
Object Inspector Delphi
So, is there some way of letting Delphi know that it should update/refresh the Object Inspector? I
1 Answer
After modifying the component as needed, your component editor needs to call the IDesigner.Modified()
method, eg: