  1. How To Calculate Hex Checksum
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  3. Hex File Checksum

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A simple checksum is the sum of all the data bytes. A better test whould be a Crc ( available as 8,16,32 bits) Even better are hashes. Which can be preformed using the pic32 cryptographic peripheral. This 8-bit Checksum Calculator can be used to calculate the 8-bit Checksum of a sequence of hexadecimal values or bytes. The bytes and be entered in a string of two character.

How To Calculate Hex Checksum

Nadasha G
Nadasha G

Hello All,

I am using LPC2364 controller and Keil uVision5 IDE.

I need to calculate checksum of Hex file each time when the device is powered on and should be compared with the pre calculated checksum. This is to make sure that the source code is unchanged.

I am newbie .. Please help me..

Westonsupermare Pier
Westonsupermare Pier

So create a byte or word pointer, set it to the base address of the flash, and then count off the bytes/words in the flash, summing the content as you go.

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A method with .HEX/.BIN files is to process the content before programming on to the chip, and place the inverse value at the end of the image so that it sums to zero, or holds a value you can compare.

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A more robust method would use a CRC

Nadasha G
Nadasha G

Thank you..

Can you please give more details. I am not able to get the below mentioned point

'A method with .HEX/.BIN files is to process the content before programming on to the chip, and place the inverse value at the end of the image so that it sums to zero, or holds a value you can compare.'

Or please share some links, where I can find some examples or explanations.

P Kasuga
P Kasuga

i had to do this before and i found a program in the computer.

i put a copy in Documents and settingskasugaDesktopstuffkieladdchecksum.exe

Nadasha G
Nadasha G

Hi Kasuga,

As I cant access your computer can u attach the file here.

Thanks in advance.

P Kasuga
P Kasuga

i try to attach

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Per Westermark
Per Westermark

'Can you please give more details. I am not able to get the below mentioned point'

10 + (-10) = 0.

Or when doing unsigned computations without caring for overflow in a computer:

0xffff + 0x0001 = 0x0000

So if the 16-bitchecksum of all flash bytes except the last two in your flash ends up as 0x83f0
then you can decide to store 0x7c10
in the last two bytes of the flash

So when the program does a 16-bit checksum of all the flash, it ends up with a sum that is zero 0x83f0 + 0x7c10 = 0x10000
which after 16-bit overflow means 0x0000

How to figure out the value 0x7c10? That's the 16-bit unsigned result of 0-0x83f0.

Just note one thing - while you may send a hex file to your processor, your processor will not store any hex file. The processor stores the binary data that is represented in the hex file. A program in the PC - or a bootloader in the processor - will decode the hex file to extract this binary data.

Next thing - the processor will normally store the value 0xff in all bytes that does not get any content from the hex file. And these 0xff bytes will also be part of the checksum that the program computes. So the PC side must remember this when it computes a checksum before programming the processor.

Nadasha G
Nadasha G

Thank you Per Westermark.

Online Checksum Calculator Crc 8

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Hex File Checksum


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