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  1. Penyelesaian Soal Kalkulus 2

Chapter 1


1.1Functions and Their GraphsExercisesp.11
1.2Combining Functions: Shifting and Scaling GraphsExercisesp.19
1.3Trigonometric FunctionsExercisesp.28
1.4Graphing with Calculators and ComputersExercisesp.34
Questions to Guide Your Reviewp.34
Practice Exercisesp.35
Additional and Advanced Exercisesp.37

Chapter 2

Limits And Continuity

2.1Rates of Change and Tangents to CurvesExercisesp.44
2.2Limit of a Function and Limit LawsExercisesp.54
2.3The Precise Definition of a LimitExercisesp.63
2.4One-Sided LimitsExercisesp.71
2.6Limits Involving Infinity; Asymptotes of GraphsExercisesp.94
Questions to Guide Your Reviewp.96
Practice Exercisesp.97
Additional and Advanced Exercisesp.98

Chapter 3


3.1Tangents and the Derivative at a PointExercisesp.105
3.2The Derivative as a FunctionExercisesp.112
3.3Differentiation RulesExercisesp.122
3.4The Derivative as a Rate of ChangeExercisesp.132
3.5Derivatives of Trigonometric FunctionsExercisesp.139
3.6The Chain RuleExercisesp.147
3.7Implicit DifferentiationExercisesp.153
3.8Related RatesExercisesp.160
3.9Linearization and DifferentialsExercisesp.173
Questions to Guide Your Reviewp.175
Practice Exercisesp.176
Additional and Advanced Exercisesp.180

Chapter 4

Applications Of Derivatives

4.1Extreme Values of FunctionsExercisesp.189
4.2The Mean Value TheoremExercisesp.196
4.3Monotonic Functions and the First Derivative TestExercisesp.201
4.4Concavity and Curve SketchingExercisesp.211
4.5Applied OptimizationExercisesp.219
4.6Newton's MethodExercisesp.228
Questions to Guide Your Reviewp.239
Practice Exercisesp.240
Additional and Advanced Exercisesp.243

Chapter 5


5.1Area and Estimating with Finite SumsExercisesp.253
5.2Sigma Notation and Limits of Finite SumsExercisesp.261
5.3The Definite IntegralExercisesp.270
5.4The Fundamental Theorem of CalculusExercisesp.282
5.5Indefinite Integrals and the Substitution MethodExercisesp.290
5.6Substitution and Area Between CurvesExercisesp.297
Questions to Guide Your Reviewp.300
Practice Exercisesp.301
Additional and Advanced Exercisesp.304

Chapter 6

Applications Of Definite Integrals

6.1Volumes Using Cross-SectionsExercisesp.316
6.2Volumes Using Cylindrical ShellsExercisesp.324
6.3Arc LengthExercisesp.330
6.4Areas of Surfaces of RevolutionExercisesp.335
6.5Work and Fluid ForcesExercisesp.342
6.6Moments and Centers of MassExercisesp.355
Questions to Guide Your Reviewp.357
Practice Exercisesp.357
Additional and Advanced Exercisesp.359

Chapter 7

Transcendental Functions

7.1Inverse Functions and Their DerivativesExercisesp.367
7.2Natural LogarithmsExercisesp.375
7.3Exponential FunctoinsExercisesp.385
7.4Exponential Change and Separable Differential EquationsExercisesp.394
7.5Indeterminate Forms and L'Hopital's RuleExercisesp.402
7.6Inverse Trigonometric FunctionsExercisesp.413
7.7Hyperbolic FunctionsExercisesp.421
7.8Relative Rates of GrowthExercisesp.428
Questions to Guide Your Reviewp.429
Practice Exercisesp.430
Additional and Advanced Exercisesp.433

Chapter 8

Techniques Of Integration

8.1Integration by PartsExercisesp.441
8.2Trigonometric IntegralsExercisesp.448
8.3Trigonometric SubstitutionsExercisesp.452
8.4Integration of Rational Functions by Partial FractionsExercisesp.461
8.5Integral Tables and Computer Algebra SystemsExercisesp.467
8.6Numerical IntegrationExercisesp.475
8.7Improper IntegralsExercisesp.487
Questions to Guide Your Reviewp.489
Practice Exercisesp.489
Additional and Advanced Exercisesp.491

Chapter 9

First-Order Differential Equations

9.1Solutions, Slope Fields, and Euler's MethodExercisesp.502
9.2First-Order Linear EquationsExercisesp.508
9.4Graphical Solutions of Autonomous EquationsExercisesp.522
9.5Systems of Equations and Phase PlanesExercisesp.527
Questions to Guide Your Reviewp.529
Practice Exercisesp.529
Additional and Advanced Exercisesp.530

Chapter 10

Infinite Sequences And Series

10.2Infinite SeriesExercisesp.551
10.3The Integral TestExercisesp.557
10.4Comparison TestsExercisesp.562
10.5The Ratio and Root TestsExercisesp.567
10.6Alternating Series, Absolute and Conditional ConvergenceExercisesp.573
10.7Power SeriesExercisesp.582
10.8Taylor and Maclaurin SeriesExercisesp.588
10.9Convergence of Taylor SeriesExercisesp.595
10.10The Binomial Series and Applications of Taylor SeriesExercisesp.602
Questions to Guide Your Reviewp.605
Practice Exercisesp.605
Additional and Advanced Exercisesp.607

Chapter 11

Parametric Equations And Polar Coordinates

11.1Parametrizations of Plane CurvesExercisesp.616
11.2Calculus with Parametric CurvesExercisesp.625
11.3Polar CoordinatesExercisesp.630
11.4Graphing in Polar CoordinatesExercisesp.634
11.5Areas and Lengths in Polar CoordinatesExercisesp.638
11.6Conic SectionsExercisesp.645
11.7Conics in Polar CoordinatesExercisesp.653
Questions to Guide Your Reviewp.654
Practice Exercisesp.655
Additional and Advanced Exercisesp.657

Chapter 12

Vectors And The Geometry Of Space

12.1Three-Dimensional Coordinate SystemsExercisesp.663
12.3The Dot ProductExercisesp.680
12.4The Cross ProductExercisesp.686
12.5Lines and Plans in SpaceExercisesp.694
12.6Cylinders and Quadric SurfacesExercisesp.700
Questions to Guide Your Reviewp.701
Practice Exercisesp.702
Additional and Advanced Exercisesp.704

Chapter 13

Vector-Valued Functions And Motion In Space

13.1Curves in Space and Their TangentsExercisesp.713
13.2Integrals of Vector Functions; Projectile MotionExercisesp.720
13.3Arc Length in SpaceExercisesp.727
13.4Curvature and Normal Vectors of a CurveExercisesp.733
13.5Tangential and Normal Components of AccelerationExercisesp.738
13.6Velocity and Acceleration in Polar CoordinatesExercisesp.742
Questions to Guide Your Reviewp.742
Practice Exercisesp.743
Additional and Advanced Exercisesp.745

Chapter 14

Partial Derivatives

14.1Functions of Several VariablesExercisesp.753
14.2Limits and Continuity in Higher DimensionsExercisesp.761
14.3Partial DerivativesExercisesp.772
14.4The Chain RuleExercisesp.782
14.5Directional Derivatives and Gradient VectorsExercisesp.790
14.6Tangent Planes and DifferentialsExercisesp.799
14.7Extreme Values and Saddle PointsExercisesp.808
14.8Lagrange MultipliersExercisesp.818
14.9Taylor's Formula for Two VariablesExercisesp.824
14.10Partial Derivatives with Constrained VariablesExercisesp.828
Questions to Guide Your Reviewp.829
Practice Exercisesp.829
Additional and Advanced Exercisesp.833

Chapter 15

Multiple Integrals

15.1Double and Iterated Integrals over RectanglesExercisesp.840
15.2Double Integrals over General RegionsExercisesp.847
15.3Area by Double IntegrationExercisesp.852
15.4Double Integrals in Polar FormExercisesp.857
15.5Triple Integrals in Rectangular CoordinatesExercisesp.865
15.6Moments and Centers of MassExercisesp.873
15.7Triple Integrals in Cylindrical and Spherical CoordinatesExercisesp.883
15.8Substitutions in Multiple IntegralsExercisesp.894
Questions to Guide Your Reviewp.896
Practice Exercisesp.896
Additional and Advanced Exercisesp.898

Chapter 16

Integration In Vector Fields

16.1Line IntegralsExercisesp.906
16.2Vector Fields and Line Integrals: Work, Circulation and FluxExercisesp.917
16.3Path Independence, Conservative Fields, and Potentials FunctionsExercisesp.929
16.4Green's Theorem in the PlaneExercisesp.940
16.5Surfaces and AreaExercisesp.951
16.6Surface IntegralsExercisesp.960
16.7Stoke's TheoremExercisesp.970
16.8The Divergence Theorem and a Unified TheoryExercisesp.981
Questions to Guide Your Reviewp.983
Practice Exercisesp.983
Additional and Advanced Exercisesp.986

Chapter 17

Second-Order Differential Equations

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