Lower Thirds After Effects
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Revolver beatles album value. I added a touch of heavy reverb at the ending chord of the track, it sounds pretty damn cool IMO!
- Lower Thirds After Effects Export
- Free Lower Thirds After Effects
- Free After Effects Lower Thirds Template
This Elegant Clean Lower Third Video features an easy-to-use circular call-out container along with an elegant background of renaissance style buildings. Download Lower Thirds After Effects projects. 2,781 stock AE templates starting at $5. Immediate downloading, easy to use. BROWSE NOW >>. Amazing After Effects templates with professional designs, neat project organization, and detailed, easy to follow video tutorials.
Hey video makers!

Sometimes it’s just easier to use a template than trying to re-create something on your own. I do it myself sometimes. I often purchase things from VideoHive.net – a great source for After Effects templates and other motion graphics projects. But I’m the kind of person that likes to do everything on a budget. So if I can recreate something myself, I’ll usually do it.
When I was browsing the most popular lower thirds graphics, I liked one of them – and it seemed very easy to create. So I did! Below is a screenshot of one of two clean modern lower thirds that I made.
Having good-looking lower thirds is important for making your videos look professional and modern. I’ve created the Modern Lower Thirds After Effects template that you can download for free by clicking here. Below you can see what the lower thirds look like in action.
The download includes After Effects project files and the Open Sans font that I used in this project.
Steps for using these lower thirds:
- Download the project files (here)
- Open the After Effects project
- Change the text for either style 1 or 2
- Change the color of the color bar by selecting that layer and changing the stroke color
- Render the lower thirds with a transparent background (see tutorial below)
- Add them to your videos!
How to render the lower thirds with no background:
If you have any questions about using the After Effects template, post a comment below.
Thanks for checking out VideoSchoolOnline.com, I really appreciate it. If you have any comments or thoughts about this post, let us know in the comments below!
CREATE A SMOOTH LOWER THIRD IN AFTER EFFECTS! We will also put the lower third in a video project in Premiere Pro and look at Text Templates in Premiere Pro.

Premiere Pro Starts at: 14:05
Lower Thirds After Effects Export
Tutorial Overview
Free Lower Thirds After Effects
In this joint After Effects/Premiere Pro tutorial, we’ll look at create a beautiful and smooth lower third animation graphic in After Effects from scratch and then we’ll save the file out and import it into Premiere Pro and use the tools in Premiere Pro to load in and edit the text in the After Effects Composition and then talk about duplicate instances of the lower third so we can have multiple lower thirds across our video project, but also so all of our lower thirds automatically update if we change something in After Effects thanks to the Dynamic Link connection between After Effects and Premiere Pro. You’re going to love this tutorial! Remember to like and subscribe!
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