Windriver Workbench 3.1 Download
In Visual Studio 2010, I was able to build enumeration with datatype just fine.
Wind River Workbench 3.1 Download Windriver Workbench 3.1 Download. Software development and applications programmin on Linux. YoLinux: Linux.
However, when I tried to compile in WR Workbench, I get the following error:
: error: use of enum 'FRUIT_E' without previous declaration
I really need to specify the datatype of enum as fields are bitpacked. Is there any way I could explicitly specify the type of enumeration?
1 Answer
The short answer to your question is no.

The ability to define a base type for enumerations is a language feature that was not added until C++11 ( Unfortunately, WindRiver has been slow to support compilers that comply with modern C++ standards (C++ 11 in vxworks). There is mention of support for C++11 in commercial versions of g++ for VxWorks 7.0+ ( But, your WorkBench version (<4.0) implies that this won't be helpful to you.
In your situation, I might cobble together a work-around, such as this:
However, this won't provide type safety, as FRUIT_T is just an alias for UINT16. So, it's far from ideal. I've added tags to your question. There may be better work-arounds, emulating the desired behavior more closely. But, the addition of a new language feature would seem to indicate that existing methods were inadequate.