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Untuk Android.
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Untuk lebih lengkapnya silahkan ke tutorial lengkap cara mainkan game PSP di Android.Untuk komputer.
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- Beres.
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Baiklah cukup dulu daftar download game PPSSPP (PSP) high compress ISO terbaik untuk Android dan komputer anda, dan nantinya posting ini akan saya update dengan menambahkan game-game PSP yang bisa dimainkan di
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menggunakan aplikasi emulator PPSSPP, jadi tunggu saja, sampai jumpa lagi.Tamar braxton love and war download. Summit indica unicode software download. Avoid crash when starting PPSSPP due to bad AMD Vulkan drivers (#11802)
PowerVR Vulkan display corruption fixed (#11744, #11747)
Naruto Shippuden 3 hang fixed (#11780)
Fixes to various lighting bugs (#11567, #11574, #11577)
Fix control issue in Sonic Rivals and Rock Band (#11878, #11798, #11879)
Significant performance improvement in Earth Defense Force 2 (#11172)
Fix 'real clock sync' setting (helps with latency for music games - #11813)
More speed in FF4 effects and other generated curves (#11425)
Support for resizing Vulkan on Linux (#11451)
Improved support for GLES on Linux/IoT (#11507, #11537, #11541, #11632, #11746, #11806, #11845)
Percentage based frameskipping (#11523)
DXT accuracy improved, fixing thick white line in Gran Turismo sky (#11530)
Fix Motorstorm freeze on non-Windows (#11618)
Faster block transfer in some games like Digimon Adventures (#11531, #11553, #11776)
Blending optimizations and improvements (#11543, #11620)
Improve D3D11 rendering issues (#11584)
Change default graphics backend to D3D11 or OpenGL (#11621, #11658)
Remove some outdated settings (#11665, #11666, #11667)
Fix remote disc streaming with ipv6 (#11689, #11700)
Vulkan: Workarounds for some driver bugs for 5xx series Qualcomm GPUs (#11691, #11694)
Fix some Qt port issues with recent performance improvements (#11720, #11807, #11808)
UWP Xbox One: fix X/Back button confusion (#11740)
Fix Formula 1 2006 timing issue (#11767)
Fixes and workarounds for some vertex range culling bugs that broke a few games (#11785, #11859), and disable it on older GPUs (#11712, #11773, #11787)
Android: Allow putting PSP storage on custom paths like SD cards (#11812)
Corrected vocp instruction, fixing models in Artdink games (#11822, #11835)
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