1. Contempt Of Court Forms Tennessee
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  • 1English
    • 1.4Noun

Contempt of Court powers are granted to judiciaries in order to prevent. Contempt of Court is that Courts must have the power to secure obedience to their. Existence with the law itself, and Contempt of Court (contemptus curiae) has. 1 THE HISTORY OF CONTEMPT OF COURT (1927) I. See also Beale, Contempt.


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Alternative forms[edit]

  • cōtempt, cõtempt (obsolete)


From Latincontemptus(scorn), from contemnō(I scorn, despise), from com- + temnō(I despise).


  • IPA(key): /kənˈtɛmpt/
  • Audio (US)
  • Rhymes: -ɛmpt


contempt (countable and uncountable, pluralcontempts)

  1. (uncountable) The state or act of contemning; the feeling or attitude of regarding someone or something as inferior, base, or worthless; scorn, disdain.
    • 1918, W. B. Maxwell, chapter 13, in The Mirror and the Lamp:
      And Vickers launched forth into a tirade very different from his platform utterances. He spoke with extreme contempt of the dense stupidity exhibited on all occasions by the working classes. He said that if you wanted to do anything for them, you must rule them, not pamper them.
  2. The state of being despised or dishonored; disgrace.
  3. (law) Open disrespect or willful disobedience of the authority of a court of law or legislative body.


  • See Thesaurus:contempt


  • See Thesaurus:contempt

Derived terms[edit]

Related terms[edit]


  • Arabic: اِحْتِقَارm(iḥtiqār), اِزْدِرَاءm(izdirāʾ)
  • Belarusian: пага́рдаf(pahárda)
  • Bulgarian: презре́ние(bg)n(prezrénie), пренебреже́ние(bg)n(prenebrežénie)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 鄙夷(zh)(bǐyí), 鄙薄(zh)(bǐbó), 鄙視(zh), 鄙视(zh)(bǐshì), 輕視(zh), 轻视(zh)(qīngshì)
  • Czech: opovržení(cs)n, despektm, pohrdánín, přezíránín
  • Danish: foragt(da)c
  • Dutch: verachting(nl)f, minachting(nl)f
  • Finnish: halveksinta(fi), ylenkatse
  • French: mépris(fr)m
  • Galician: desprezom
  • German: Verachtung(de)f
  • Greek: περιφρόνηση(el)f(perifrónisi), καταφρόνηση(el)f(katafrónisi)
    Ancient: καταφρόνημαn(kataphrónēma)
  • Hebrew: בוזm(buz)
  • Icelandic: fyrirlitning(is)f
  • Italian: disprezzo(it)m
  • Japanese: 軽蔑(ja)(keibetsu), 軽侮(ja)(keibu), 侮蔑(ja)(bubetsu)
  • Korean: 경멸(ko)(gyeongmyeol)
  • Latin: contemptusm, dēspectiōf
  • Malayalam: പുച്‌ഛം(puc‌chaṃ)
  • Persian: تحقیر(fa)(tahqir)
  • Polish: pogarda(pl)f, lekceważenie(pl)n
  • Portuguese: desprezo(pt)m, desdém(pt)m, contemptom
  • Russian: презре́ние(ru)n(prezrénije), пренебреже́ние(ru)n(prenebrežénije)
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Roman: nadmenost(sh)f, nadutost(sh)f, prezrivost(sh)f, prezir(sh)m
  • Spanish: desprecio(es)m, desdén(es)m
  • Swedish: missnöje(sv)n, misshag, förakt(sv)n, avsmak(sv)c
  • Turkish: küçümsemek(tr)
  • Ukrainian: прези́рство(uk)(prezýrstvo), не́хтування(néxtuvannja)
  • Volapük: nestüm(vo)
  • Yiddish: פֿאַראַכטונגf(farakhtung)
  • Czech: opovržení(cs)n, poníženín
  • Danish: vanærec
  • Finnish: kunniattomuus
  • German: Schande(de)f, Blamage(de)f
  • Greek: περιφρόνηση(el)f(perifrónisi)
  • Icelandic: óvirðing(is)f
  • Japanese: 軽蔑(ja)(keibetsu)
  • Maori: whakahariharitaetanga
  • Polish: pogarda(pl)f, lekceważenie(pl)n
  • Russian: позо́р(ru)m(pozór), бесче́стие(ru)n(besčéstije)
  • Spanish: desgracia(es)f, deshonra(es)f, vergüenza(es)f
  • Swedish: missaktning(sv)c
law: open disrespect or willful disobedience of the authority
Contempt Of Court Pdf
  • Bulgarian: неуважение(bg)n(neuvaženie)
  • Danish: foragt(da)c, foragt for retten, (disrespect of a court of law)
  • Dutch: minachting(nl)f
  • Finnish: (open disrespect of a court of law)oikeuden halventaminen
  • French: outrage(fr)m
  • German: Mißachtung(de)f, Beamtenbeleidigung(de)
  • Greek: περιφρόνηση(el)f(perifrónisi)
  • Icelandic: óvirðing(is)f
  • Persian: اهانت(fa)(ehânat), بی‌حرمتی(bihormati)
  • Polish: lekceważenie(pl)n, obraza(pl)f
  • Portuguese: desacato(pt)m
  • Russian: неуваже́ние(ru)n(neuvažénije)
  • Spanish: desacato(es)m
  • Tagalog: pagsuway, paglapastangan
  • Ukrainian: знева́га(zneváha)
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables, removing any numbers. Numbers do not necessarily match those in definitions. See instructions at Wiktionary:Entry layout#Translations.
  • Ido: (please verify)des-estimo

Further reading[edit]

  • contempt in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913.
  • contempt in The Century Dictionary, New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911.
  • contempt at OneLook Dictionary Search
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Contempt Of Court Forms Tennessee

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